Sonntag, 22. Juni 2008

My grandpa

So, I don't want to tell you one story of my grandpa, because he has so much stories told, but they are mostly of the war or of the war captivity. My grandpa also don't want that I take a picture of him in the internet. Perhaps I will have some at our meeting in august. So, now I gonna to tell you my grandpas life:

My grandpa is now 79 years old. He was born at 08.12.1928 in a small town in the area, which belong to Czech Republik today. He was the only child and had a really good life. With his best friend he did the craziest things, so he went with him hunting. My grandpa didn't shoot anything, but his friend always shot a rabbit. Some day my grandpa went to his friend and heard the father of his friend speaking about the "thiefs", who always steal his rabbits.

During the World War II my grandpa had to go to school and he didn't notice much of the war, but at 1944 (at this time he was 16) he was draft and had to go to Russia. It was very hard for him and he didn't talk about this time. After that he was caught by the Russians and then he came in war captivity. He says that it wasn't a bad time, but it was hard, because he didn't get enough food and so on, because the Russians hadn't enough. So he and the other prisoners do strange things like eating green mushrooms, without knowing if they were toxic.
But my grandpa had it better than the others, because of his age. He also acted there (he always had to play the woman).

After his time in war captivity he came home and begun his apprenticeship at a publishing company. After his apprenticeship he worked at an other publishing company. There he met my grandma and the fall in love.

So, I think thats enough of the life of my grandpa. Of course I can tell you many stories of him, but I think thats enough.